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Reversible Diffuse Bronchial Wall Thickening Internal Medicine, in press.
Aso K, Fujieda Y, Atsumi T
Reversible Diffuse Bronchial Wall Thickening Internal Medicine, in press.
Shima H, Nakaya T, Tsujino I, Nakamura J, Sugimoto A, Sato T, Watanabe T, Ohira H, Suzuki M, Kato M, Yokota I, Konno S.
Accuracy of Swan‒Ganz catheterization-based assessment of right ventricular function: Validation study using high-fidelity micromanometry-derived values as reference.
Pulmonary Circulation, in press
IF 3.017
Tsuzuki A, Fujioka Y, Yoshida A, Kashiwagi S, Amano M, Hira T, Nakamura A, Miyoshi H, Atsumi T, Ohba Y.
Direct visualization of GLP-1 secretion by fluorescent fusion proteins.
J Diabetes Invest. 2022, in press
IF 4.232
Yoshinari M, Hattanda F, Nishibata Y, Masuda S, Nakazawa D, Tomaru U, Ishizu A A novel anti-neutrophil extracellular trap antibody targeting myosin light chain 6 in microscopic polyangiitis The Journal of Rheumatology, in press
IF: 3.35
Masuda S, Kato K, Ishibashi M, Nishibata Y, Sugimoto A, Nakazawa D, Tanaka S, Tomaru U, Tsujino I, Ishizu A.
Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate stimulation under hypoxia induces nuclear swelling with DNA outflow but not extracellular trap formation of neutrophils.
Exp Mol Pathol. 2022 Mar 5;125:104754.
IF: 3.36
Nishibata Y, Nonokawa M, Tamura Y, Higashi R, Suzuki K, Hayashi H, Masuda S, Nakazawa D, Tanaka S, Tomaru U, Ishizu A.
Possible implication of intermolecular epitope spreading in the production of anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis.
Clin Exp Rheumatol, Online ahead of print.
IF: 4.47
Cho KY, Miyoshi H, Nakamura A, Greenberg AS, Atsumi T.
Lipid droplet protein PLIN1 regulates inflammatory polarity in human macrophages and is involved in atherosclerotic plaque development by promoting stable lipid storage.
J Atheroscler Thromb, in press
IF: 4.928
Nakamura A.
Glucokinase as a therapeutic target based on findings from the analysis of mouse models.
Endocr J, in press
IF: 2.349
Yoshimura M, Fujieda Y, Sugawara M, Kono M, Kato M, Yokota I, Amengual O, Ito Y and Atsumi T.
Disease activity as a risk factor for venous thromboembolism in rheumatoid arthritis analysed using time-averaged DAS28CRP: a nested case-control study -.
Rheumatol Int.
IF: 2.631
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