第42回 日本血栓止血学会 優秀ポスター賞 尾形 裕介先生
第42回 日本血栓止血学会 優秀ポスター賞 尾形 裕介先生
JCR 2020 ICW Excellent Abstract Award 尾形 裕介先生
Lee WS, Kato M, Sugawara E, Kono M, Kudo Y, Kono M, Fujieda Y, Bohgaki T, Amengual O, Oku K, Yasuda S, Onodera T and Atsumi T
Optineurin in Synovial Fibroblasts Plays a Protective Role against Joint Destructions in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Arthritis & Rheumatology (IF:9.002)
Kato M.
New insights into IFN-γ in rheumatoid arthritis: role in the era of JAK inhibitors.
Immunological Medicine. in press.
Takase T, Nakamura A, Miyoshi H, Koga M, Toyomaki A, Kusumi I, Kino R, Konishi Y, Kiso Y, Atsumi T.
Effects of Palmaria palmata on lipid metabolism and glycemic control in participants with hypercholesterolemia in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
Phytother Res, in press
Fukae J, Isobe M, Hattori T, Fujieda Y, MD, Kono M, Abe N, Kitano A, Narita A,Henmi M, Sakamoto F, MT1, Aoki Y, Ito T, Mitsuzaki A, Matsuhashi M, Shimizu M, Tanimura K, Kamishima T, Atsumi T and Koike T. Convolutional neural network for classification of two-dimensional array images generated from clinical information may support diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Scientific Reports, PMID: 32221385
JCR 2020 ICW Excellent Abstract Award 阿部 靖矢先生
令和2年度 塩川美奈子・膠原病研究奨励賞 河野 通仁先生
第39回 高桑榮松奨学基金奨励賞 河野 通仁先生
JCR 2020 ICW Excellent Abstract Award 佐藤 太貴先生