Kanako Watanabe-Kusunoki, and Hans-Joachim Anders.
Balancing efficacy and safety of complement inhibitors.
Journal of Autoimmunity, in press
IF: 12.8
Kanako Watanabe-Kusunoki, and Hans-Joachim Anders.
Balancing efficacy and safety of complement inhibitors.
Journal of Autoimmunity, in press
IF: 12.8
Sho Furusawa, Hiroshi Nomoto, Chiho Oba-Yamamoto, Jun Takeuchi, Miki Ito, Hiroyoshi Kurihara, Shin Aoki, Aika Miya, Hiraku Kameda, Akinobu Nakamura, and Tatsuya Atsumi Real-world clinical evidence of oral semaglutide on metabolic abnormalities in subjects with type 2 diabetes: a multicenter retrospective observational study (the Sapporo-Oral SEMA study) ENDOCRINE JOURNAL, in press
IF: 2.0
Aika Miya, Akinobu Nakamura, Yuka Suzuki, Hiroshi Nomoto, Hiraku Kameda, Kyu Yong Cho, Tatsuya Atsumi Frequency and Determinants of Lipid Management Target Achievement in Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Diabetology International, in press.
IF: 2.2
Mizui M, Kono M. Novel therapeutic strategies targeting abnormal T-cell signaling in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Clin Immunol. in press.
日本糖尿病・肥満動物学会 研究賞 中村 昭伸先生
2024年度日本リウマチ学会 奨励賞 久田 諒先生
第43回高桑榮松奨学基金奨励賞 久田 諒先生
Hirahara L, Kirino Y, Soejima Y, Iizuka Y, Yoshimi R, Fujieda Y, Atsumi T, Tono T, Kobayashi D, Meguro A, Takeuchi M, Sakamaki K, Takeno M, Mizuki N, Nakajima H Association of high disease activity and serum IL-6 levels with the incidence of inflammatory major organ events in Behçet disease: a prospective registry study Frontiers in Immunology, in press.
Nashimoto S, Miyamae M, Higuchi I, Kono M, Tada M, Atsumi T, Sugawara M, Takekuma Y.
Decrease in mycophenolic acid plasma level by sacubitril/valsartan in lupus nephritis patient: a case report.
Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis. in press
Chighizola CB, Willis R, Maioli G, Sciascia S, Andreoli L , Amengual O, Radin M , Gerosa M, Atsumi T, de Jesus G , Trespidi L , Branch DW , Caporali R, Andrade D, Roubey R , Petri M , Bertolaccini ML.
Deciphering the clinical significance of longitudinal antiphospholipid antibody titers.
Autoimmunity Reviews, in press
IF: 17.39